Meeting Notes 1/15/13
Meeting Type: Advisor Meeting
Advisor(s): Dr. Frank
Members: Darryl, Sondra, Stuart, Alex
Excused: All but one ME member
Action Items
- Bring pictures
- Talk to Robert Woodruff about UAV team’s vision work
Meeting Topics
- Progress report
- General Advice
- Suggest we work with UAV team
Important Notes
- Talk to Robert Woodruff (or other members of UAV team)
- Focus on one or two tasks and get them perfect
Transcript (Notes)
- OpenCV is making progress
- The box is almost done
- ME wants us to do our best to make it to competition
- Rules are released
- Dr. Frank would be excited to see us do even one or two tests
- Aim to make progress from last year’s
- Suggests we choose one or two tasks to set up in the pool and fully debug,
- just do the designs for the others
- There are ten steps to this year’s competition
- Cornell was the only team to finish last year
- Wants to see a photo of finished box by next meeting :)
- Dr. Frank hopes to be able to make presentations this semester
- Let him know about our presentations as soon as we do
- Asked about ways to handle the IMU tx/rx
- Want to try to connect IMU to other serial port
- There are several other ports to use for serial ports
- Allocate other serial port pins to IMU
- Write a loop to read IMU serial port to USB serial
- Mega has multiple serial ports assigned to hardware pins
- UNO will let you assign general purpose pins to software serial pins (a little slower)
- Ideas for noise filtering on our images
- UAV team has the exact same problem
- Identify the straight lines along the boundaries
- Find the intersections between the lines
- Count the intersections as vertices
- Talk to Robert Woodruff
- We’re free to share information with other teams
- How to separate programming among multiple members
- Suggested version control
- Probably not a huge issue to use Dropbox for only 3 members
- Being familiar with version control would be good for future multi-person projects that program
Group Notes
Not available